Hey guys, Just a head's up today we'll be adding four new cameras. Our HIT prices will be jumping to .09 cents from .05! There also might be some issues that pop-up throughout the day. Ugh, growing pains. Give us a shout out if you notice anything unusual. Robert
I don't know what's happening but frequently we only get 2 responses on our HITs instead of the allotted 3! It's super frustrating. We used to run a total of 5 allotted responses and frequently only received 4 responses. We're not sure what's going on. It might have something to do with the HITs becoming stale and them not being available. I don't know. I'm out of my element here. Ideas would be lovely.
my only guess is that they sit in someone's queue, and then possibly bounce around for a bit. By then, it's 10+ minutes past when it was posted, which, for your purposes, makes it not nearly as useful (considering the next picture could already be on mturk and could even be completed by then).
@ChrisTurk might have an idea as to why that happens, but most of us don't have experience on the requester side of mturk. If the hits have an expiration of shortly after you post them, that might be why? But I'm grasping at straws here.
well, the 5 minute timer usually does, however, and @ChrisTurk correct me if i'm wrong, the 5 minute timer will reset everytime the hit expires, giving it the ability to bounce between people's queues edit: stupid enter button ._.
The only two main causes of this would be: 1) They expire off the platform. See: 2) Someone puts it in their queue, it expires from their queue, and no one is running a panda for your HIT so it never gets picked up by a new worker. Less likely with a lower timer since "slow" people will still be clicking the panda. Page requests are gold to workers, so fixing this may be a little difficult with your HITs. A third reason might be related to your own data collection.. I believe you're using an external HIT from your own servers.. may wanna make sure the data you're collecting there matches the mTurk CSV results file - might be dropping data for some reason?
Yay! I kinda said something smart about expiring hits. And yay! @ChrisTurk to the rescue! You're my favorite superhero.