[Guide] Pinterest

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by Celtic Lady, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. Celtic Lady

    Celtic Lady Survey Slinger

    Recently Pinterest has implemented a temporary block system into their batches. If you get too many wrong from their golden pins then they block you from that batch. Many were confused about what we were getting wrong and causing the temporary blocks.

    They added in this link that explains what they are looking for in Rate How Relevant a Pin is to a Query.

    If you notice more explanation links in their other HITs, please link them here.

    And in case you haven't noticed; the have hotkeys already built in to their HITs. Click the ? and a little drop down will show you their navigation keys.
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  2. Randomacts

    Randomacts Survey Slinger

    From inside of the spammy.. it might be helpful to have this info.

    Warning: This job may contain very graphic nudity. Do not continue with this job if you are not of legal age to view pornographic content or if you do not want to see this type of content.

    The purpose of this job is to judge how spammy a Pin is.

    Select the best answer using the image, text and guidelines below.

    Clickbait image:
    An eye-catching image intended to draw attention in a surprising or distracting way.

    Spam example:

    • A picture of nail fungus designed to shock viewers
    Acceptable example:

    • An image that displays relevant medical information in a non-sensational manner
    Text is nonsensical or gibberish
    Spam example:

    • A product code:
      • Android Arduino Control: ESP8266 WiFi Control Relay
    • Text characters that display a well known and applicable symbol or sentiment
      • "I < 3 cooking"
    • Text that is simply in a foreign language
    • One word descriptions, e.g. “awesome”.
    Unusually low price for a high end good or media
    Spam examples:

    • Super Cheap! Sports Nike shoes outlet, #Nike #shoes only $48!!
    • great Toms shoes you have there. Anyway, share them for you and only $17.00!
    • #Rayban #rayban #RayBanSunglasses RAY BAN Sunglasses! love this site!$12.99 holy cow, Im in love with this site.
    • Finding Dory 2016 Full Movie Download Free OnlineM/li>
    Acceptable examples:

    Dubious health related claim
    Spam examples:

    • The facts about breast enhancement and reduction....How it can be done naturally...
    • Here’s how to lose 10 pounds in 2 days
    Acceptable examples:

    • Long And Short Term Effects of Smoking on A Fetus
    • Effective Natural Home Cures For Reduce Bad Breath
    Personal endorsement
    Spam examples:

    • #Tiffany #Accessories OMG!!! So cheap! Maybe you would love it!!! Only $16.00.. Tiffany and co makes you look in style and more fashion!!!
    • #I bought them last summer. This shoes are very comfortable. Love these shoes.
    • #wow this just made me so much money http://bit.ly/H854r1
    • #great Toms shoes you have there. Anyway, share them for you and only $17.00!
    • #I never could see losing extra pounds would be so feasible, but it turns out that there's products that totally work! See http://sltznocbrp.tumblr.com its AMAZING!
    Do something to get a reward or avoid punishment
    Spam examples:

    • Download latest Wild Hunter 3D Hack today and generate money.
    • great Toms shoes you have there. Anyway, share them for you and only $17.00!
    • Share this by midnight and your cat will NOT die
    Keyword stuffing
    Spam examples:

    • ugg boots,ugg sales,ugg discount,cheap ugg,women shoes,ugg outlets,ugg fashion,women ugg boots,men ugg boots,new UGG Boots for cheap, KIDS UGG Boots,christmas gifts,christmas clearance,ugg boots free shipping,ugg snow boots,ugg online,ugg discount site,ugg black,ugg brown,UGG Bailey Button,UGG Dakota,UGG Blaise,UGG Bailey Bling,winter shoes,winter boots,luxury ugg boots
    • mk bags,mk bags michael kors,mk bags outlet,mk bags black,mk bags michael kors mk handbags,mk handbags,mk handbags michael kors,mk handbags black,mk handbags 2015,mk handbags outlet,mk handbags,mk handbags michael kors,mk handbags black,mk handbags outlet,mk bags outlet,mk bags outlet michael kors,mk bags outlet michael kors handbags,mk bags outlet shoes,mk bags outlet michael kors purses,mk bags black
    • Michael Kors Factory Outlet,Michael Kors Online Outlet Sale Up To 80% OFF•_Înew Michael Kors here
    • A picture of a Burberry bag with the following caption:
      • Burberry bags Burberry scarves Burberry belts burberry wallets
    Acceptable Example:

    • Christian Louboutin Black #Pumps
    Thank You!
    Thanks for participating in our task and making the internet a little more friendly and welcoming.

    Read this now instead of during when you are on a timer and you will likely do better... not as good as the pdf guide though :(
    • Today I Learned Today I Learned x 2
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  3. eliza

    eliza Active Turker

    Instructions for: Identify Inappropriate Search Queries

    The purpose of this task is to identify search terms that we can use in email and marketing outreach. You'll help us remove terms that may be sensitive or controversial for a general audience. We'll provide the search term and a link to Google to research the term.

    • Take time to evaluate each search term
    • If the query might be inappropriate or controversial for some audiences, mark as "inappropriate/controversial"
    • Use your best judgment and be conservative. For example, some people might be offended if they got an email saying “Check out funeral ideas.”
    • Use the Google link If you don’t know what a search term means, since brands or borrowed foreign words like “Häagen-Dazs” or "culottes" could be appropriate queries
    • If the words are gibberish, mark as "inappropriate/controversial"
    • Generally, any topics related to profanity, politics, religion, sex or sexual humor, drugs, guns, violence, war, natural disasters, or tragedies should be considered "inappropriate/controversial"
    Answer Choice Explanations and Examples
    The search term is universally appropriate for any audience.

    • General Examples
      • "dinner recipes"
      • "milky way"
      • "panda bears"
      • "picture frames"
    • Holidays and celebrations
      • "christmas cards"
      • "halloween costumes"
      • "thanksgiving dinner"
      • "diwali festival"
    • TV Shows or Celebrities
      • "big bang theory"
      • "stranger things"
      • "taylor swift"
      • "justin bieber"
    The search term is inappropriate or controversial for some audience, including topics related to profanity, politics, religion, sex or sexual humor, drugs, guns, violence, war, natural disasters, or tragedies.

    • Sexual
      • Sex acts: "oral sex”, "three way"
      • Body parts: "boobs", "penis", "meowwy"
      • Porn/porn stars: "deep throat", "sasha grey", "ron jeremy"
    • Violent/graphic
      • "murder"
      • "death scenes"
      • "blood"
      • "rape"
      • "gun shootings"
      • "paris terrorist attack"
      • "war on terror"
      • "abortion"
    • Hate speech
      • "wetback"
      • "chink"
      • "no gays"
    • Self-harm
      • "starve myself"
      • "thinspo"
      • "suicide"
    • Illicit substances
      • "heroin"
      • "cocaine"
      • "ecstasy"
    • Religious or political references
      • "jesus christ"
      • "donald trump"
      • "hillary clinton"
      • "crucifix"
    • Tragedies
      • "9/11 jumpers"
      • "boston bombing"
      • "indian tsunami"
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