I think a moderator has to delete it-not sure which has the powers @ChrisTurk @Tripsa @GreenMachine842
I had someone respond to my emails and they are working to fix the problem for me now. Thanks for your help though.
The payment is probably not recorded on Paypal yet; sometimes takes a couple days for your bank to charge PayPal, and it is the weekend. You have the filter and term correct. Do you not have any payments in Feb/March? The filter is 2022, but only January payments are in the screenshot.
Yeah there was no activity on paypal since then I don't use it much. Maybe somehow there are two paypals.
I am sorry that you had payment issues regarding QBC. But, wooooow. These are serious accusations; the fact that you could not cancel your recurring payment does not mean the rest of the world are there waiting for stealing your money. I do not own QBC and actually I have nothing to do with it, but it is possible that the payment system may not work %100 efficiently. That does not make the owner a thief. Like any other payment systems when there is a mistake/error the best way is to complain, not grabbing the pitchfork, and try to stab anyone in front you. When you lost your hard earned money due to some unexpected system error, I can understand your anger, but not your frustration nor your rage. Please keep calm. Right now, as a person who has nothing to do with QBC, all I can say is that you will get your money back for sure for the month that you are not supposed to subscribe. I do not know @CT in person, but I trust him more than most of the people that I know in real life. If you feel/need to apologize, you are always welcome. Cheers
I just wanted to say thank you for sending me the invite to use Queuebicle. It's definitely well worth having! The only problem that I just ran into today is that I my Queuebicle isn't working. I have sent an email to Turkerview about it. Basically it can connect but it doesn't really connect to mturk.com because it's not showing any HITS using the parameters as well as when I manually go into Mturk to find and accept HITs that I know are in my que but Queuebicle isn't showing anything. :\ Does anyone know why this is happening? Any help is appreciated. Thank you Anthony
Can you send a few full screenshots of your QBC? Scraper, Settings, etc... Black out any sensitive information.
Thank you for the assistance. I got it to work again after having to verify my Mturk account and reset my PW. I guess it was just an Amazon security issue that was not allowing me to connect QB to Mturk. It's working fine now. Thank you! Anthony
Thank you for being an example for others who have problems with QBC! You did the right thing for sending an email to the owner, and searching for another solution in here. I am glad that everything works out with you right now. Best
I appreciate that but I was just asking how one should ask haha. Do you guys get people asking angrily sometimes? I can understand if they're messages like the other guy in this thread. Well, I have another problem. It was working fine but I had to change passwords for the Mturk account and then I noticed that QBC wasn't showing my qued HITs, so I checked it out and tried to uninstall and reinstall and now it's giving me the error message, "Unable to boot QBC, please try again." I did that multiple times with uninstalling, restarting the computer, and then reinstalling but it keeps popping up with the same message. It seems like I can't even open the program now. Any idea of what I should do?
Btw, I tried to follow the instructions for finding the errors within the Network using the Event Viewer as instructed and this is what it came up with: " Application: Queuebicle.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 00007FFA968D66E1 Stack: " That was the last one at 4:55:50 PM and there's a lot of other error messages before then such as: " Application: Queuebicle.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 00007FFA968D66E1 Stack: " @ 4:48:56 PM and " Application: Queuebicle.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.Exception at CefSharp.Internals.CefFrameWrapper.ThrowIfFrameInvalid() at CefSharp.Internals.CefFrameWrapper.get_Url() at Queuebicle.Workspace.HitTab.HitTabBrowserEvents.LoadingStateChange.y3StRwb2e5DOvdL3Mjyo(System.Object) at Queuebicle.Workspace.HitTab.HitTabBrowserEvents.LoadingStateChange.HitBrowserLoadingStateChanged(System.Object, CefSharp.LoadingStateChangedEventArgs) at CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp.Internals.IWebBrowserInternal.SetLoadingStateChange(CefSharp.LoadingStateChangedEventArgs) at <Module>.CefSharp.Internals.ClientAdapter.OnLoadingStateChange(CefSharp.Internals.ClientAdapter*, scoped_refptr<CefBrowser>*, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) " I don't know if this helps or not.
@GuitarString777 This is definitely a @CT question. Restarting usually fixes some issues with multiple instances of QBC trying to run. Seems like you found a gremlin.
Of course I did. I manage to get all of the good luck. Thanks for taking a look. I'll definitely ask ChrisTurk.
I overreacted your right I apologize sincerely. Chris Turk fixed everything for me and was very polite about it. I wish I could delete this thread since I have made such an ass out of myself. QBC is a great program. Not a hundred percent perfect yet but it will increase your profits. Chris, everyone here, I apologize and I certainly overreacted. I have heard of techniques used through paypal to make unsubscribing difficult, but this wasn't the case. It just took a bit as it was a Sunday.
Sorry to continue this thread but I've been having the same problem. I applied to use Queuebicle a few weeks ago and haven't received an email yet. I don't have anything in my spam folder either.
I am in the same boat. It's been more than a month since the application was submitted. No response as of yet.