I've been using MTS for several years, but have to admit that my reviews are carefully picked. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to review a HIT that I took 5 days ago -- if I don't submit a review it in the first 4 days, is it simply impossible? I also installed TurkerViewJS thinking that might help, but I don't see that it's doing anything at all.
Actually each review usually has a specific time. Surely this, if followed according to regulations, is appropriate. I haven't tried submitting that comment yet so I'm not sure about the regulations. geometry dash lite
Yes. MTS only gives you short window. A good habit to get into is to review everything, even if you have nothing to add. This helps you and it also helps the community with completion times. Plus, if you wanted to go back and update your review later, you can do so by finding the review on TurkerView.