[Please Help!] Shop By Interest gave me the qualification d4ixar4ad5f Excluded

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by maryshiturk, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    And so I reached 2000 approved HITs! I put in some extra hours the last 7-8 days to push forward on that. I had seen that there were receipts HITs available at the 2000 mark, and I wanted to see how that might affect my outlook going forward. Alas, (I word I never quite figured out as a child reading second grade books!) most of those receipts are in a differing language than mine and are 20 times the work for 4 times the pay of the receipt work I previously qualified for.
    So going forward, I'm going to stick to my earlier plan and plod forward not worrying about my number of HITs but on improving my error rate. Two batches really tore that down but not as bad as some of the stories I have heard from forums such as this - mine went from 1% to 3%. For those in the same boat, some days and weeks are slow, but often enough a few requestors put in a bunch of HITs. Hopefully, in the next month as my error rate improves and other qualifications (hopefully) come my way, I can get my weekly average up in the next month or two from $25 to $40 or $50 a week - and hopefully go that beyond. I'm not optimistic but I'm not pessimistic either; most things take time and effort. Most of this is just meant as follow up as I don't want my posts to be discouraging!
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  2. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    Oh, and not to beat a dead horse, but the $5 a day is better than I expected, but no where near what I hoped for! I mean, you had to figure the $50 a day You Tubers were an exaggeration but $20-40 is what I initially hoped for. I get the sense from Turkers that the system really took a down turn in the last 8-10 years. But, where would we be if if we didn't find out for ourselves (in a lot of trouble sometimes, enlightenment in others! lol)
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  3. maryshiturk

    maryshiturk New Turker

    Woah! Congrats on 2000 approved HITs. 5$ a day is a dream to me. I do roughly $10 on a good week. How do you make so much? Which requesters do you work for? My Ben Peterson Qual is 1 and it stops me from working for BP. I don't have Pickfu because I can't find their demographics HIT. I only have 1 rejection so far and I'm just trying to keep it as low as possible. The process seems to be dragging out way to long for me. Can you give me some tips? What scripts do you use? I'm concerned that some scripts aren't allowed and may cause harm to your account. I don't know. Help a sister out. Thanks :)
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2024
  4. maryshiturk

    maryshiturk New Turker

    Man I've really been sleeping. You're doing really well for someone that started not very long ago. I'm inspired by your determination. I think you should definitely start a YouTube channel and help others out. Not sure if many people still need Mturk content these days but you never know.
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  5. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    I'm going to handle both your posts (replies) with both answers (one to each posts).

    (It’s a slow day so far, so I decided to go back and tabulate my past HITs!)

    Remember, you arrived at 700 approved hits the same second week that I did. You seem like you were doing pretty well. Those first two weeks which I generally don't count, amounted to 59 submitted hits and 3 rejections. (somehow, I received a rejection from a study!)

    But I spent a lot of time reading on forums and learning about scripts. I looked at You-Tube videos for help on setting up scripts and noticed folks were claiming to make $50 a day. Hype being hype, and You-Tube being You-Tube, I took those claims with a grain of salt. There was a gal who made such a claim but it dates back to the 2010s - well she has a lot of good videos on getting started!

    I appreciate your encouragement about making You-Tube videos, but I am far from having a grasp and understanding of a lot of this. The most help I could be is to let people know that you and I are only making $5 a day or less and that there is an entire ecology built around making money on the concept of MTurk. The problem is, no one who is making more than $5 a day consistently is admitting to that in forums, so it would be my laughable “I make a laughable $5 a day” video and (presumably) hype videos for people to choose from. Also, any videos I make now would just duplicate the same basic videos already out there and I’m not sure I’m ready to dedicate 8 hours a day to make that work. [[But, you might be interested in some You-Tube videos I did start with my You-Tube Channel (called myRamblings), at https://www.youtube.com/@myramblings8722. They are mostly political opinions in nature, and in a sarcastic way they are meant to portray content over presentations! He he he. I stopped making those videos when Russia invaded Ukraine]] But $5/day is till $5 a day and $25 a week; $5 s day is likely a gold mine is some countries, but here in the US the need for people to supplement their income by turning to things like MTurk and make that $5 is one of the things that turned me from Republican to leaning Democrat Independent (over the last few decades).

    I'm not really sure how MTurk Suite works, but I tried that. It didn't seem to add a lot of HITS, and so I started using HIT Forker with Panda Max. I think that combo added a lot of HITs and it also led to me using MTurk Suite w/ Panda Max and the two combos seem to do about equally well but that opinion is based on just gauging the results and not adding up numbers. (Unfortunately, I use applications since I'm not a programmer! And so I turned to a lot of You-Tube videos for help in how to use and set up those methods.)

    But before I was using those scripts and extensions, I had started using … (to be continued in the second answer, sometime today, to both posts, after I look over my numbers) I do wonder what scripts, extensions, etc. others are using though.
  6. TKNO

    TKNO Well-Known Turker

    $50/day was easily achievable in the past....I used to average $75-100 a day and many more industrious people could average more....now I'm lucky to do $10/day, even with Masters....

    it's not you, it's the platform....Mturk has made it unattractive to many requesters and Turkers who do poor work have driven off the rest......you're better off at McD or Taco Bell unless you're homebound....
    good luck
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  7. lilmsmisses

    lilmsmisses Active Turker


    I agree... Have been on the platform for years.... Now, things are not even 25% of what they were, in terms of income potential and volume. You used to be able to do just MT and make decent minimal income... Now, definitely, you have to combine it with other streams of online income, to even hit $100 a day.
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  8. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    MTS is really just a bunch of scripts all rolled into one package. For sure you should use HIT Tracker within MTS to keep track of your HITs. Sync it daily or every couple of days.

    As for panda's, don't run two panda programs at the same time. Either use HIT Catcher (within MTS) or use PC, but not both turned at the same time. You will get lots of PRE's which will further hinder your ability to catch HITs.

    *edit: to clarify, you don't need to completely turn off the MTS extension when running PC, just don't turn on HIT Catcher.
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    Last edited: Jan 24, 2024
  9. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    Part 2 of my reply
    So I did what seems like a lot of surveys week 1 &2, doing about 12-15 per day on average.
    From all my mega-penny Mturk income, surveys make up about 45.4%.
    Last week my surveys per day on average dropped to 7.

    Much of the survey income is from bonuses, which I am assuming that all bonuses come from surveys, which likely is not true.

    Most of the HITS and most of my billions of ten-millionths-of-a-penny come from my top 12 list of most approved HITs.
    BanksEnv (425 and $8.50)
    ShopByInterest! (456 and $9.12)
    Surveys w/ bonuses (183 and $38.42)

    The only other item with more than 100 HITs is a combination of MDataGatherer and MDlabeler which I call MDL.
    MDL (252 and $2.52)

    Nothing else tops $2.00 except
    InspectElement (98 and $2.94)

    These were next most “lucrative”
    BenPeterson (59 and $1.77)
    Panel (70 and $3.50)
    P9r (44 and $1.32)
    Fraud detection (22 and $1.10)

    And rounding out my top 12 for a combined 46 HITs and $1.52 are:
    GROH systems (15 hits), glombard (17 hits), and Martin Frederiksson 14 hits).

    My top 12 approved HIT categories average out to $0.0244 per HIT! ($0.043 if I count survey bonuses)

    Interestingly, my overall average for each approved HIT is $0.046 and my average for each HIT not in my top 12 categories is $0.076 each.

    Well, at the risk of powering up the competition for HITs, I had stumbled upon Turk Guru which seemed to work very well, and may have helped get my HITS up for that third (or first week, depending how you count the weeks I've spent doing this). Turk Guru is an extension and since I found it first, it made MTurk Suite seem cumbersome. But after getting familiar with MTurk Suite they both work well, although I think there are some HITs MTurk Suite catches more of than Turk Guru (such as Ben Peterson). I started looking into other options such as MTurk Suite because Turk Guru charges $10 per month to use their browser extension, as I found out after two weeks of using it.

    Still hoping for further qualifications to push my weekly average much higher.

    Good luck, hope it helps
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  10. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    thanks for all those earlier replies.
  11. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    TurkGuru is meant to be mostly hands off. MTS is manual. Again, don't run HIT Catcher or PC with TurkGuru going. You will run into PRE's.
  12. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    Thanks for that. I was adjusting my time intervals often, trying to slow down my PRE's when I ran MTS and Panda. Anyone know if HIT Forker is actually used in MTS? Sometimes I run MTS w/ Panda but sometimes I run HIT Forker and PAnda crazy. I was trying to see if one worked better than the other. They seem about the same, but one can't really guage it too well as it really matters when the HITs are available.
    I do notice that both MTS and HITForker reveal a lot of HITs coming through that none of the s/w options catch for me. (I guess that's kind of the way it is with tons of Turkers trying to capture HITs.)
  13. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker


    I could probably turn some those last replies into You-Tube videos.

    along those lines, another lesson learned:
    watch out for requestors who have low approval rates.
    I posted about GoComet.
    Now, when HITs requiring a lot of data or are somewhat complex come along, I just do one or two HITs.
    I want to see if I'm doing the HIT correctly. Soemtimes the Requestors' HIT checking algorithms are yet intelligent enough to discern certain things (suc as there not being some info on an invoice), and many instructions can be vague.
    But also, some require so much transcribing that the risk of rejection inherently goes higher.
    I attempt the more complex and the heavier transcribing when HITS slow down and again only do one or two, waiting to see if they get approved before attempting more.
    Fashion Product MArketing has a high approval rate, but there is a short amount of time to review a lot of image sets. IThey approve at 97%, but obly 75% of my HITs there have been approved.
    UGCoding also has a high approval rate, but so far 20 of 20 of my HITS have been rejected. You can carefully examine thier videos, but if your assessment differs from most people then they will reject. Such a system (UGCodings review) seems susceptible to a mass Reddit campaing - like the stocks- to have everyone choose the same ratings for all videos!
    Anyway, that's the extent of my insight gained the past few weeks!
    I'm gonna stick with. Hope it helps you maryshiturk. (and others)
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  14. j0sh83

    j0sh83 Survey Slinger

    Just to be clear, a panda is a preview and accept request. Each request stacks. So if you have two programs sending requests (doesn't matter if its for the same HIT or not), you are going to timeout because Amazon limits incoming requests. Every timeout is a missed opportunity because as you noted, there are tons of turkers trying to catch the same HITs. You are basically handicapping yourself running two panda programs at the same time.

    HIT Forker is HIT Finder in MTS.
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  15. maryshiturk

    maryshiturk New Turker

    Thanks for the well thought out replies. I've been reading these over and over again for the past couple of days. I will definitely put what you've said to practice. Seems to be working out well for you. I'm almost at 1k approved HITs. Hopefully better opportunities will come.

    Also, start that YT channel. You're really good at getting people informed. You never know what can happen
  16. maryshiturk

    maryshiturk New Turker

    How did you get the qual for MLDataLabeler? I really wanna do their HITs
  17. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    Not to sound political (I prefer to think of it as expressing a non expert opinion on the American economy), but ...
    Your comment expresses almost a microcosm of the US economic landscape since the time I left high school in the late 1970s.
    One wage earner could support a family, and over time it then took two wage (or salary) earners and or multiple jobs to keep up.
    I suppose now a days for for many, the rat race has been replaced with scurrying around just to cover basics with a bill of goods having been sold to many that using credit is the way to make ends meet instead of decent economic opportunity.
    I had a decent career with good earnings throughout the year but an economic crisis here and there sent me figuratively limping into retirement.
    Those were just observations over the course of my working life. I really do not know what percentage of Americans are in poor straights since the 1980s. Over time I just observed what I saw as a drastically changing economic landscape (in terms of opportunity, wage/salary growth, etc).
    It makes me feel fortunate that I was born in the tail end of the Baby Boom (where experts say there is an overlap between Baby Boomers and what ever they called the subsequent generation. You can always tell the experts from the summarizers - one cannot expect that there is a magical year between any generation given a name and the next one, there are usually transition years as a society experiences changes (such as expectative outlook, and whatever else cause folks to see distinct character changes such as from Gen X to Gen Y).
    I remeber as a youth some really old guy being asked why he shares his opinions, the old guy said "because I'm old and I want to!"
    So, sorry about the commentary, but you will just have to endure it!

    But mainly, what are these other streams of income available? I've heard of Prolific.
  18. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker

    Thank you. I'm still trying to figure out the most efficient use of Hit Catcher. Some videos say on Panda you don't want more than six catcher jobs else it slows down the process and apparently might lead to losing HITs.
  19. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker


    As for "MDL", I'm not sure about how those qualifications came about. But at 1000 HITS I did receive a stream of what seemed like qualifier HITS and I think the same thing happened at either 100 or 200 HITs. Sometimes when the nose is at the grind wheel, one just cranks em out without studying the HITS to find out what they are all about.

    Regarding the You-Tube videos. Yes, having laid out all this material I can see taking shape a content picture for two or three videos!
    Unfortunately on my past current You-Tube channel I'm still struggling to get to 100 views and subscribers! (( I do have a You-Tube Channel (called myRamblings), at https://www.youtube.com/@myramblings8722 )) I'm considering spending some time to add some turking videos to that.
  20. Wfrty13

    Wfrty13 Turker


    But mainly, what are these other streams of income available? I've heard of Prolific.