We shut the smoke machine down. It's super hazy out right now. We're not able to see it on the pic. Super frustrating. Basically the premise of this system is that if a human can see it on an image, then we can detect smoke. Problems happen if can't see. Still nerve wracking. Lot's of important eyeballs on this test right now.
Well at least I know I'm not crazy that I couldn't see it. Bummer, I'm confident you'll get it hammered out though!
I think I saw the smoke from the machine, but it's a little hazy. Also, you can't really get all of it in the box because the checkmark is way off to the side.
Oh man, hey guys. The gods are not with us today, haha. Currently sitting in truck because there's a huge rainstorm outside and there's way-y-y too much lightning to set up a tent. The smoke machine broke again. So we didn't really get a chance to use the machine again. Our plan is to camp out, try and fix it in the morning (remember what effective mechanics we are) and run some tomorrow. Don't know if it's going to happen. We didn't detect any smoke. I'm not making excuses, but it wasn't really our fault. Our smoke machine location was 21.5 km away from the tower, a nearby manned lookout reported the daily visibility at 10 km. So we were kind of fighting an uphill battle from the start. If we can get the smoke machine fixed by noon tomorrow, then we will run trials but if not we've got to get back to British Columbia. It's not exactly a short drive. Anyways, thank you for all of the keen eyeballs. Lot's of good "almost smokes".
Haha, yea thanks man. I'm not worried. We were incredibly successful the last few weeks with the real smoke detections. That will go way further than a trial run with a smoke machine.
@Robert Just wondering if you y'all meant for hits to go out with half the cameras stuck on the same images from the 13th and 14th.
To hazy now. Wondering if that was the smoke machine in action, for awhile it was obvious that there was smoke in the horizon.