I will post two HITs, one at 10:30AM and one at 11:30AM Eastern Standard Time (EST). The titles will be ExpKap_0226_1 and ExpKap_0226_2. I will re-post the title and ID of the HITs a few minutes before they go live. You will only be allowed to take one of the HITs. The first 10 players to accept each HIT will enter the experiment. Details of the HITs are: HIT takes approximately 30 minutes - includes time for instructions Base Pay is $4.00. Bonus payment up to an additional $15 USD. The average total payment (including Base Pay) is around $9, but can be anywhere between $4 and $19. Bonus payments only available if at least 10 players show. If after 10 minutes, enough players have not shown up, you will given the opportunity to exit for the $4.00 base pay. If interested, please take the test on the qualification HIT below. Input the password "MExp_0226" and I will grant you the qualification (you can ignore the actual task in the qualification HIT). Details are below: HIT ID: 3QX22DUVOOH2AJ5S8MI9ZEBOPS9VM3 HIT Title: ForumTest_Exp0226
How long are you going to have the exclusion qual for previous work. I couldn't even attempt to catch this HIT because of a 10 cent HIT from last year.
I was going to do this, but the timer for submitting the qual is so short that it expired while I checked back here for the code.