I will post three HITs, one at 12:15PM, one at 1:30PM and one at 2:45PM Eastern Standard Time. The titles will be ExpKap_0302_1, ExpKap_0302_2 and ExpKap_0302_3. A few minutes before each I will post the title and ID of the HIT. You will only be allowed to take one of the HITs. The first 10 players to enter each HIT will be allowed to enter the lobby. Details of the HIT are: Play a 10 player game for around 35 minutes - includes time for instructions and actual gameplay Base Pay is $3.50. Bonus payment up to an additional $10 USD. The average total payment (including Base Pay) is around $7, but can be anywhere between $3.50 and $13. Bonus payments only available if at least 10 players show. If after 10 minutes, enough players have not shown up, you will given the opportunity to exit for the $3.50 base pay. Each HIT has two new qualifications you’ll need. The first will only be granted on the spot when I post the above HIT. When the HIT is posted, just request the qualification “Here Now” and I will grant it immediately. To get the second qualification, please take the test on the qualification HIT below. Input the password MTestK_0302 and I will grant you the qualification immediately (you can ignore the actual task in the qualification HIT). Details are below: HIT ID: 3OEWW2KGQJB4G5QIUHXSLWUMKVVOD7 HIT Title: ForumExp_0302
The first HIT has been posted with title ExpKap_0302_1 The requester ID is AWT9GK7R2DYHY Remember to request the "Here Now" qualification, which I will immediately grant (after which you can enter the HIT).
Unfortunately, we didn't reach the required number of people. To anyone still in the page, please click "finish experiment". I will make sure that you aren't tagged with the previous taker qualification, so that you can participate in the next HITs. The next HIT will continue as scheduled, at 1:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Getting the same thing on my end as well. I tried to participate in the 12:15 one earlier as well as the 1:30 one.
I am posting a fourth hit today (03/02) to replace the failed first hit, at 4:45 PM Eastern Standard Time. The title will be ExpKap_0302_4