though tbf it was horribly written because I'm going 500mph to get back to what I was doing but its fair advice for the price
Haha, we're going straight to the Pinterest method. Just kidding. That makes a ton of sense @ChrisTurk We'll boost it to 12 for the time being and see what our results look like. I also like the idea of building our own platform. A lot. I think this is probably a Fall/Winter project, but nonetheless.
when you get your own platform built I just want you to know I give chris all his ideas and am awesome, hire me
Hell man, closed qual I would love to do these all day to break of the rest of the batches. This way I get to look at purtty pictures and tell Smokey the bear I did my part. One of those cameras is in my national forest O_O...Glacier @Robert If you could add a button for when a picture doesn't load that would be greatly appreciated.
@Robert Should we mark camera 1 as low visibility since the image seems to not be loading correctly and move on to the others since they are still loading.
@ChrisTurk Hey Chris, we took your advice and it worked extremely well. We'll see though, the last 2 HITs have come back with only 2 and 3 people completing.
@Robert Are there instructions anywhere inside the HIT? Unless its something that remembers worker ID and it just didn't display for me, then ignore the above. But idk gotta find a way to get folks instructions as a link or something inside the HIT iframe, very few people see/read descriptions on the new worker platform, they're very hidden. Maybe throw up an "Instructions" HIT. Give it a long timer, put some intro stuff in/etc. Have folks do 2-5 images you know the answer to, show them right/wrong immediately after their selection. When they finish the example images, throw them the panda link / say "keep an eye out for our HITs, we release them every 10 minutes blah blah blah" & send them on their way with a dime or something. Right now I could see a lot of people catching your HIT for the first time, having no earthly clue what to do w/ it (there are NO instructions whatsoever? Or was mine just broken?) and just returning it and going to next thing in their queue. Definitely link to the instructions in the HIT, though the timer is much too short for a new worker to really read it before this thing expires on them. Ignore above if I'm just super blind & missed it all. Honestly probably ignore the instructions HIT thing if you aren't gonna qual workers either since thats a bad system if not qualing, just throwing out ideas. Sorry tired portion of the day haha. Just throw an instructions link into the hit somewhere if its not there
Would be useful if they could move the hit description into the actual hit. "Thank you for your interest in this HIT! Here are the instructions: Inspect each image for smoke, if you find some click the flame button at the bottom of the image. *Remember, smoke can be hard to detect! Look closely. Once you have selected that your image contains smoke you will be asked to draw a bounding box around the smoke. Once you are happy with the area you have selected, press the green check button. If no image contains smoke or flames, click the green forest button at the bottom of the page. You will automatically be directed to the next image. Once you've looked through all images, the HIT will be automatically submitted. Here are a couple of tips: We are testing for speed and accuracy, so please try and complete this task as quickly as possible. We are aiming for a submission time of 1 - 2 minutes with practice. Most of the time there won't be any smoke, so don't doubt yourself if you can't find any! If you think you see smoke, but aren't sure - make sure you mark it anyway. We don't mind mistakes if someone thinks they see smoke. What we don't want is people missing smoke when there is some. We are documenting any and all feedback on our HITs, and will be adjusting our HITs accordingly. If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to post on our threads at"
I have been enjoying these hits. I havent had any expire on me yet but i will often just have it que 1 at a time.
You're not far from me then. Especially when I'm up at our lake house on Swan. You're probably super close to @Ballistic406!