I seem to keep getting a weird error when I submit reviews without sending them to the daily thread this last week or two: I have to refresh the page, or oddly, resizing the page worked for a bit to get the pop up to come off. But it's playing hide and seek with my unreviewed HITs.
@ChrisTurk I don't want to say I'm not posting any, but I just read the thing about spamming the threads, and I post them in bunches some days unless it's super good or bad. But I take it this hasn't been an issue for anyone else? In the great scheme of things, isn't not a big deal. Sorry
TurkerViewJS Updated to v10.9.5 CHANGELOG for v10.9.5: Security Update: TVJS has updated to explicitly exclude itself from running on MTurk's new direct deposit / bank account management pages. To review/install the full script check out TurkerView!
TurkerViewJS Updated to v11.0.0 CHANGELOG for v11.0.0: Rejection Disputes Added: https://blog.turkerview.com/building-bridges-turkerview-launches-bridge-rejections/ To review/install the full script check out TurkerView!
Hello, i can't view the turkview icon on HIT list when on mobile, It can be fixed? I'm using kiwi browser , the extension works on desktop mode
TurkerViewJS Updated to v11.0.2 CHANGELOG for v11.0.2: Added a check so TVJS will not run if the new MTS is installed. Removed image/video hosting from dispute rejections. To review/install the full script check out TurkerView!
I installed the script. I watched the video multiple times. I cannot figure out how to review on TurkerView.
Okay, I feel stupid, because I'm generally pretty competent about this stuff. How do I install the script? It just saves the 1.user.js file to the hard drive when I click on "Install", and if I open it in chrome it just displays the code. What environment is it supposed to run in?
You need TamperMonkey extension for whatever browser you're using. But if you're in Chrome/Edge just install MTS & it has all of TVJS' functionality built in. TVJS is unlikely to receive major updates in the future depending on usage/etc so it might lag behind in some features
How do I use the TukerView API key? I can't find any place to paste it and I'm using MTS on a Macbook in Chrome.
I installed TurkerViewJS and I restarted MTurkSuite but I don't see the box with "View" and I cannot figure out how to write a review after I got a reject
ERROR Line: 31 Char: 5 Error: Expected ';' Code: 800A03EC Source: Microsoft Jscript compilation error
You need to install TamperMonkey before using userscripts. If you're using Chrome youcan grab it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en Or just google tampermonkey for whatever browser you're using