Hey guys! Rob here. I'm excited to finally be able to preview Version 0.9 of our first HIT layout with all of y'all. We're hoping to begin beta testing the whole system later this week (technically, tomorrow but if I'm being real, we've got a couple days (and nights) ahead of us yet). In the meantime here is a link (hummingbird.watch). It will evolve over time, though it's already a big step up from the boxes we have been checking up to this point. Normally this will be viewed in the MTurk IFrame, but for the sake of previews you'll see it in an independent web browser. Any concerns, questions, suggestions, please let me have 'em. Initially I was going to include our instruction page for review, but decided to hold off for now. We really appreciate your guys' time, Robert EDIT: [Deleted] Though we're still thankful to Randomacts EDIT 2: So when you think there's smoke and you press the "Hey! I see smoke. I SEE SMOKE!" button, you then have to draw a bounding box around the smoke that you see. EDIT 3: So we've updated the certification, let us know if there are any more problems!
The link is pointing to a dead server. I look forward to trying out and doing your hits though Edit: I was able to get it working by manually accepting your SSL cert. It looks pretty damn slick with the only issue being that the keybindings aren't working.
Lol it is okay. I assume that you accepted your own self signed cert and when you tested it on your own machine everything seemed to work fine. It is a fairly common mistake.
While this looks nice.. functionally you're going to rule out people on slower systems I think.. have you tested this is outdated browsers as well? Button animations aren't very smooth for me (though I have my PC doing some computation work so might be interfering) As a worker, I want to blow through these as quickly, efficiently, & accurately as possible.. you should look to support that goal before anything else. Most requesters have ugly interfaces that interfere with ideal workflow.. I feel like you may have gone the opposite direction but hit the same end result, though I don't have an older system to test this on. ETA: I could & hope I am totally wrong, but its the only real criticism that jumped out when I gave it a whirl. Like I said, no way for me to test it myself since it works on my system just worth a thought.
Hi Rob! I am unable to resolve the link above and would really like to take a peek at the page LOL ...
Yea, thanks Chris - that's definitely been a major question for us. We have a (slight) problem with following bright shiny objects down rabbit holes. We're working on it. I think we'll definitely see a change in our button layout over the coming weeks. Likely, we'll change to two buttons, a green checkmark and a red x. If we're dealing with lag issues, then we'll definitely remove the animations. At the moment, unfortunately, it has fallen lower on our list of priorities. You kind of nailed what our objectives were. If we don't achieve this with our workflow, we'll definitely be scaling back. Are there common hot-key configs that we stick to?
If you are going to use hot keys I would recomment using 1 for yes (smoke/flames) and 2 for no (smoke/flames) That would be the regular keys AND also the ability to use the number pad keys as well.
1 - yes / fire / smoke 2 - no / no smoke 3 - cannot see / blurry PFA, GeoHIVE, & two other satellite photo tasks recently standardized their hotkeys to follow this template. Definitely advise piggybacking off of that. a/b/c/d hotkeys are annoying. They make sense logically from the acronym sense, but placing your hand on the keyboard like that just doesn't work functionally. Too much distance to cover etc etc. Also you'll get people who invariably go: "s is for smoke, f is for.. flame? Oh wait "fine" err whoops"
@Robert Yes, Definitely. I forgot about the "cannot see / blury / sunglare etc" options. Duhhh ... LOL I think I wrote to you several weeks ago about sunglare ... sigh ... old age is creepin' up on me. LOL