[Please Help!] What have I DONE?!

Discussion in 'Help & Guides' started by Kathy, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Kathy

    Kathy New Turker

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  2. Randomacts

    Randomacts Survey Slinger

  3. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator


    Haha, so the first step is to relax a bit, workers can go a little cray cray when it comes to rejections since they're a bit of a downer on our account stats. But one way or another it can be fixed (usually).

    Uhh, by delete the batch - can you give me the steps you took to "delete" it? Makes a big difference as to next steps :)
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  4. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    @Kathy specifically need to know if you "deleted the batch" here:

    or from the results tab here:

    If the former, not really a big deal & we can walk through the steps to reverse them from the UI.

    If the latter (from the manage page) - then things get dicey, as you'll have to rely on Amazon's support team to reverse them, but IIRC it can still be done by them (or it used to be possible, fingers crossed)
  5. Kathy

    Kathy New Turker


    1. Canceled the batch
    2. Rejected the first batch
    3. Deleted the batch

    Those were the steps I took....

    I also emailed Amazon Support.

    Below is just a 'googled' image of the delete
  6. ChrisTurk

    ChrisTurk Administrator

    Oof, alrighty. You're gonna have to contact mTurk support ( https://requester.mturk.com/contactus ) and e-mail them saying you disposed of a batch by mistake & you need to overturn all of the rejections associated with the batch assignments.

    Make sure your account is fully funded in order to cover all of the rejected tasks as well as Amazon's fees before contacting support to make it easier (when the tasks are overturned to approved, workers & amazon get paid for them). They can be a bit hit or miss on knowledge so if you get someone unhelpful just try again.

    There's nothing you can do to overturn them yourself at this point (unless by some miracle it hasn't been fully disposed yet, but unless you've already got the excel sheet at hand and/or access to the API - you're still dead in the water).

    You should definitely shoot the workers you've rejected a quick message and let them know its gonna be a few days because the Requester UI is as poorly set up & directionless and theirs is (most will understand) & that you deleted the tasks and are now stuck waiting on mturk support to help you out. It'll go a long way with most reasonable folks - trust me we experience plenty of pain points dealing w/ mTurk too haha.

    Also, just a heads up, folks will contact your IRB, so if you have a way to getting ahead of that as well absolutely do that. Sorry, its just how things are sometimes especially w/ workers who don't have a lot of communication channels & no other options when they feel they've been rejected unfairly. I have no idea how all that works on y'alls end I just know I saw it mentioned on reddit already (assuming you're Kathy Van, lol).
  7. Mothra

    Mothra Survey Slinger

    This is the absolute most critical point made in this informative post. A lot of workers, I presume, are like me; if a requester is willing to walk a step, I'm willing to walk a mile to meet them. Even if a requester makes an error and then simply sends a message expressing regret and explaining the situation, with no intention of otherwise fixing the error, that does a lot to smooth over an unfortunate situation.
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