Page Request Error (PRE)
Page Request Error (PRE)
The amount of page requests a Turker can complete to mTurk in quick succession is limited by mTurk. Knowing how quickly a page can be requested and managing page requests wisely is a key to efficient Turking.
Most often PREs are generated by poor script usage or setting up a page auto-refreshing extension improperly. Overlapping multiple scripts that generate page requests can cause an excessive amount of PREs that hamper a worker's ability to use the site properly.Logged In Rate Limit
The lower limit to generate zero page request errors for a logged in account is somewhere between 700ms and 1000ms, depending on factors like current ping and path to the server.Logged Out Rate Limit
Notice: This no longer applies to the new Worker website.
The lower rate limit to generate zero page request errors for a logged out account is somewhere around 485ms, depending on factors like current ping and path to the server.
Page Request Errors Inside HIT iFrames
If a PRE is generated while submitting a HIT it is generally safe to right click inside the iFrame and use the "refresh frame" option to successfully submit the HIT.
If a Turker uses the "back" option/button inside an iFrame that generated a PRE on submission most HITs will have the data cleared and the HIT will have to be completed again from the beginning.