Pinterest [AURHK491L2LH6]


Pinterest [AURHK491L2LH6] posts HITs asking Turkers to evaluate and moderate Pins based on a variety of criteria.

Their TurkOpticon reviews can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm getting a message that there are "No Tasks Available" when I open a HIT.
This is very common, as the requester will put more HITs up than there is work available from their system. These are also very popular HITs, so the work that needs to be done will be done very quickly.​

Does Pinterest reject?
No. If your work does not meet their standards, you will get a message like this:
You will not be rejected, just blocked from working on HITs in that particular batch. Guides and hints to avoid this block can be found in this thread.​


Tip: You can click on any of the PANDA links on this page to see if this requester has blocked you

Rate How Relevant a Pin Is to a Query

These HITs ask you to determine whether a Pin is relevant or not to a given search query (such as "zero calories" or "ab workouts"). The $0.40 version of the HIT also asks you to evaluate the PIN on other factors, such as whether it is poor quality or contains sex or nudity.

Both versions have 20 Pins to evaluate.

GroupID: PANDA - 0.40 version | PANDA - 0.20 version
Reward: $0.20 or $0.40
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day


Rate How Relevant a Pin Is to a Topic

This is very similar to the previous HIT, but asks whether Pins are relevant to a more general topic (such as "health and fitness" or "desserts").

This HIT has 30 Pins to evaluate.

Reward: $0.60
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day


Rate How Spammy a Pin Is

This HIT asks you several Yes/No questions about a Pin, such as:
  • Is it clickbait?
  • Is the caption nonsensical?
  • Does it make a dubious health or medical claim?
  • etc.
This HIT has 10 Pins to evaluate.

Reward: $0.30
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day

Identify Inappropriate Search Queries

This HIT gives you a search term, and asks you to evaluate whether it is appropriate or not. Inappropriate queries include sexual or violent queries, hate speech, or references to religion, politics, tragedies, self-harm, or illicit substances.

This HIT has 20 queries to evaluate.

Reward: $0.40
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day

Rate which annotations and results are a better match for a given image

In this HIT you are given one initial Pin, followed by two lists of five search terms each, and two lists of related Pins. You choose which set of search terms fits better, and which set of Pins is more relevant to the original one.

This HIT has 20 rounds to complete.

Reward: $1.00
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day


Tell us which search result is better for the given query?

In this HIT you are given two sets of Pins, and choose which set is a better match for a given keyword or Pin.

This HIT has 20 rounds to complete.

Reward: $2.00
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day


Categorize Search Terms

In this hit, you are asked to categorize search terms into one of the 16 categories.

This HIT has 20 rounds to complete.

Reward: $.40
Duration: 20 minutes
Auto-Approval: 1 day

Many Turkers have found this particular HIT to be challenging or confusing, which leads to them feeling frustrated when they're locked out.

While it is always imperative to read the instructions for a HIT these are nearly impossible without doing so and a breeze for anyone literate and who doesn't have a mustache.

Start by reading the instructions. Many Turkers are locked out because they miss items which the instructions clearly state to mark in a certain way. A live example is "Holloween", which is specified in the instruction's Examples and shows up in the live HIT. It is a good idea to have the instructions open on a monitor until you're familiar with them enough you don't need to keep referring back to them.

Here is an expansion and clarification of the categories as listed in the instructions with some advice.

You should always prioritize the first word in a search term. For example if you see cheap inbred Santa costume for cocaine weddings then the category is Financial Status. This is something which trips up many people because it has Financial, Cultural, Holiday, Drugs and Religion.

You should use the provided link in the HIT which will go to Google or to the pins for items if you don't understand the term.

  • Drugs excluding alcohol
    This should be self explanatory. Any reference to weed, pot, snort, blow and so on. As a dedicated TurkerHub reader you will be familiar with most of the terms you encounter here.​
  • Financial status ("cheap dress shoes," "coupon book," etc.)
    This category does not usually include DIY items. This is mostly obvious.​
  • Holidays
    Any type of reference to a holiday. Some of these are foreign so you may need to look them up. Anniversaries and birthdays aren't considered holidays.​
  • Medical procedures, illnesses, or conditions
    Watch out for types of oils here which may not be obvious. Otherwise this has almost anything medical sounding. A gotcha will be some specific medical diets which go here and not the healthy diet category below. Also you'll have to learn what's medical and what's a Weight/Body image when it comes to some of the topical lotion references. It's usually safe to go with this if you're in doubt and it sounds like a Stanley Milgram approved term.​
  • Negative emotions like sadness, anger, pain, anxiety, loneliness, etc. ("manipulative people," "childish quotes," etc.)
    The instructions are very clear on this and these should be obvious. Profanity like punk rock Grinch would go here.​
  • Nonsense, not English, or grammar mistakes
    Basically watch for words which aren't spelled correctly, don't have a space where they should, or are obviously foreign. However you shouldn't mark something here just because it's foreign. Some holidays, food dishes and actresses will have foreign names and should go in another category. Another example which wouldn't go here is 5sos which refers to a boyband. Always be searching.​
  • Politics or political figures
    Kings and queens go here in addition to obvious ones, like michelle obama and hitler
  • Racial, ethnic, or cultural stereotypes
    This is where most people mess up. This isn't just for slurs or things which sound derogatory. For many of us older people the amount of terms now PC is staggering. Searching is best if you're confused. Some non-obvious examples are geek, hippie, hawaiian and southern.​
  • Religion, excluding holidays ("church wedding," "atheism quotes," etc.)
    In addition to anything related to wedding going here, look for stuff like christenings or other religious ceremonis. A non-obvious item is horoscopes and references to witchcraft, which also go here.​
  • Sex, sexual humor, or porn stars
    The only gotcha here is porn stars. As a constant TurkerHub reader you will know most of their names by heart, but you should still refer to Google when you're uncertain. lingerie is a common example of this category which you will see.​
  • Entertainment or Celebrities
    This is probably why you're getting locked out of these. Always use the link in the HIT round for the term. While it adds to the time, it's better than not being able to keep doing these. Very often names of people aren't for a person but for a fashion designer, artist, photographer or someone else who isn't considered a celebrity even though they create something entertaining. Characters from movies go here as do references to plays and bands.​
  • Violence or weapons
    Any reference to doing any type of violence. Specific gun models will appear but also references to hunting or fighting belong here. Be on the look out for serial killers since they can cut into your daily earnings as well as get you locked out from these if you put them as a celebrity instead of here. Ex: Jeffrey Dahmer
  • Healthy Diets or exercises ("atkins diet," "plank exercises," etc.)
    Contrary to what our fearless leader might eat, dog food does not go here. I haven't seen anything here that wasn't explicitly mentioned in the instructions so just refer to those examples.​
  • Weight or body image, excluding healthy diets or exercises ("flat stomach fast," "skinny girl diet," "chubby men," etc.)
    Sometimes these can be confused with the medical prodecures above. The key to knowing what goes here is whether it's referring to an actual treatment or just some scammy thing. These are the type of things you'd see if you don't have an add blocker, like lose weight by swallowing a tube worm and eating cat food
  • Other - but the term is appropriate for all audiences
    This is where you will put most of the terms you see. Almost 90% of the terms will likely go here.​
  • Other - but the term is inappropriate in some way
    This is where alcohol and gross terms, like people with mustaches, urine smoothies, cleaning up yeti poop, your face and other nasty things would go. :) Basically anything here you wouldn't talk about in a professional environment. (TODO: Insert reference to where people may find a professional environment. Maybe Reddit?)​

Don't over think it. If it's not a name or foreign term but something you're familiar with, you can almost always safely mark it as Other - but the term is appropriate for all audiences. Many non-people entertainment items can safely go here or entertainment for example.


None known.
Pinterest does have hotkeys programmed into their HITs (press "?" to see them while working on one).

This page has been seen 14,588 times.

Current Discussion: Main discussion

  1. Fio

    Fio Survey Slinger

    I know I'm missing a few of their HIT types, but since I haven't worked on them I can't describe them:
    • Rate which annotations and results are a better match for a given image
    • Find Inappropriate Search Terms
    • Tell us which search result is better for the given query?

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