Project Endor (Zoltar) [A2ZRMA7YDNF5RJ]


Project Endor (Zoltar) [A2ZRMA7YDNF5RJ] used to regularly posts HITs related to evaluating and classifying different websites. They have moved off of the platform for now and most of this information is currently out of date.

Their TurkOpticon reviews can be found here.

NOTICE: Project Endor (Zoltar) is a Google Requester. Do NOT return any HITs associated with Google Requesters as it will lock you out of all HITs hosted on their servers for the duration of the remaining timer of the returned HIT.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Zoltar reject?
There have been sporadic reports of rejections, but for the most part Zoltar will only block users who do poorly on their HITs.​

I'm getting a message that says "an error occurred" when I open a HIT
This can be due to a few different things.

First, check if its a common error with Zoltar by reloading the frame a few times. You can accomplish this by right clicking and finding the "Refresh frame" in your browser. Alternatively this script will do this for you automatically.

Next, consider that if you return any active HIT hosted on Endor from your queue you will be locked out for the duration of the timer remaining on that HIT when you returned it.

If you haven't returned any Endor HITs then another Endor HIT in your queue may be marked as the "active" HIT, you'll need to open HITs one by one in order to see which one actually loads. This is often caused by accepting a new Endor HIT in between submitting one and opening the next, so try the end of your queue first.​

When does Zoltar usually post?
Zoltar is one of the very few requesters who have a predictable post schedule. They almost always post around 8AM EST (5AM PST). Although the dates can vary as they tend to disappear for days/weeks when work dries up.


Zoltar is not known to use any special qualifications or qual HITs to determine worker eligibility for their HITs.

Basic qualifications include US location, >=90% approval rating, and >=1 accepted HIT.


Tip: You can click on any of the PANDA links on this page to see if this requester has blocked you
Dentist Website Evaluation
These don't seem to have posted for weeks (if not months).

Reward: $0.06
Duration: 60 minutes
Auto-Approval: 22 hours

Total approved HITs is not less than 1
HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
Location is US
New Car Dealer Website Evaluation
These are the quickest (and thus lowest paid) of Zoltar's HITs. You simply need to identify if the website is for a new car dealer. They must be located in the USA (so new dealers in Australia/Canada/etc should be marked no) and have a single location. Other details can be found in the HIT instructions.

Reward: $0.06
Duration: 60 minutes
Auto-Approval: 22 hours

Total approved HITs is not less than 1
HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
Location is US
Plumbing Service
Reward: $0.06
Duration: 60 minutes
Auto-Approval: 22 hours

Total approved HITs is not less than 1
HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
Location is US
Used Car Dealer Website Evaluation
These HITs revolved around identifying if a dealership sells used cars and marking off the makes (ie Jeep, Ford, Chevy) that they sell in volume.

Reward: $0.20
Duration: 60 minutes
Auto-Approval: 22 hours

Total approved HITs is not less than 1
HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
Location is US
Website Evaluation
These are the widest ranging (and most often available) of Zoltar's HITs. Workers can expect to see all manners of websites (including adult content - user beware!) and are expecting to categorize them on a number of factors.

Reward: $0.12
Duration: 60 minutes
Auto-Approval: 22 hours

Total approved HITs is not less than 1
HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
Location is US


Project Endor (Zoltar)
GreasyFork Link
Author: feihtality
Provides an easily clickable button interface for all of Zoltar's HITs.
Auto Reload Google iFrame on Error
GreasyFork Link
Author: mmmturkeybacon
This script will automatically refresh any open Endor HITs that have the "an error has occured" error in them. This is useful for finding the active Endor HIT in your queue. No page request errors will be generated from this script as it only operates on Google's server.
Is this on Endor?
GreasyFork Link
Author: @Kadauchi
This script will overlay an alert onto any HITs hosted on Endor in order to give users a heads up that returning the HIT will lock them out of the server.

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